Call for Papers: Comparative Fascist Studies and the Transnational Turn

February 19, 2018

Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, 27-29 April 2018 

Call for Contributions

 The comparative study of fascism underwent significant changes in the last decades, opening up new research opportunities but also posing novel challenges. One of the main research avenues has been the topic of fascist internationalism, focusing on the interactions, entanglements, and cooperation among fascism movements and regimes, at various formal or informal political levels. 

In this context, the COMFAS Convention invites comparative or case-study contributions exploring: 

  • the common intellectual origins of fascism in various countries, and the transnational elaboration of the fascist ideology at European and global levels in the inter-war, wartime or postwar periods (1918 to present); 
  • the global circulation of fascist ideas and their intermediaries; and 
  • the creation of fascist transnational discursive practices

Papers will take into account complex patterns of interactions and mutual or multilateral influences among fascist intellectuals, movements, and regimes at ideological, political and institutional levels. Particular attention will be devoted to: 

  • the transfer and adaptation of generic fascist ideological concepts to various local contexts. We welcome papers exploring the themes of totalitarianism, revolution, violence, corporatism, racism, anti-Semitism, etc. 
  • attempts at institutionalizing new ties or forms of cooperation among fascists in Europe and beyond it, and also 
  • the creation of new transnational spaces of interaction, exchange or confrontation (e.g. the Spanish Civil War). 

Other topics of interest are: 

  • the organization and impact of the Nazi New European Order (Neuordnung Europas), mostly in view of the hierarchical and exclusionary practices associated with it; 
  • the emulation of forms of political violence and of state-sponsored campaigns of legal discrimination and ‘purification’ through cleansing; and 
  • the organization and functioning of the Rome–Berlin–Tokyo Axis and its political, economic, and military impact, at global level.   

The conference program features two keynote speeches and two roundtable debates. The list of confirmed participants includes Nigel Copsey, Roger Griffin, Pablo del Hierro, Constantin Iordachi, Javier Rodrigo Sanchez, António Costa Pinto, Andrea Pető, Sven Reichardt, and Andreas Umland, among others. 

Scholars interested in attending or contributing to the conference should fill in the on-line at by 20 February 2018. Please specify your academic title and current position, and the title and abstract of your prospective talk. We welcome individual papers as well as panel proposals. The proceedings of the conference will be published in a collective volume.  

Conference participation is free for COMFAS members. For non-members, a participation fee of € 75 applies.  A number of travel and accommodation grants are available upon request and on a competitive basis.  For further information, please contact Constantin Iordachi at 


