In order to receive the Advanced Certificate in Political Thought (ACPT) together with the degree proper, the following requirements need to be fulfilled:
- Admission to one of the participating departments.
- 1YMA: Based on the required 30 credits to obtain the MA degree, ACPT students must take 4 mandatory credits and obtain 6 further elective credits from the approved annual list of ACPT courses.
2YMA: Based on the required 60 (66) credits to obtain the MA degree, ACPT students must take 4 mandatory credits normally in the first year of their studies and obtain 10 further elective credits over the course of both years from the approved list of ACPT courses.
- ACPT students must write their thesis on a topic related to Political Thought. Capstone projects are equivalent to MA theses. The student’s first or second supervisor is ideally a faculty member participating in the ACPT.
- Participation in lectures, special seminars, and workshops organized at CEU by the ACPT is required. Attendance and participation will be considered part of the student’s overall performance.
Please note that in the academic year 2024/2025 the mandatory course Discourses of Order I: An Introduction to Premodern Political Thought taught by prof. Matthias Riedl and in the Winter term it is Politics of Time: Contested Temporalities, Continuities and Ruptures taught by prof. Balázs Trencsényi.