“Fascism and the Radical Right: Comparison and Entanglements,” Online ComFas Convention, Central European University PU, Vienna, 25-27 September 2020

January 30, 2021

Third Convention of the International Association for Comparative Fascist Studies (ComFas)

Event Rationale:

Ever since their emergence on the political scene, fascism and the radical right have had an intricate tangled relationship, marked by close cooperation but also conflict. Yet, despite the ideological affinities and socio-political ties between fascist and radical right movements and parties, a majority of works in the field approach these phenomena in isolation, ignoring their multifaceted historical interactions. The ComFas Convention aimed at stimulating synchronic and diachronic comparative perspectives on fascism and the radical right at the level of ideology and political practice in order to contribute to a better understanding of both phenomena. Participants reflected on the historical trajectory and political metamorphoses of these political phenomena, on their similarities and differences, and on their multiple interactions and entanglements.

The program included comparative as well as single case-study contributions to the study of fascism and the radical right, coming from various social science disciplines including history, political science, sociology, international relations, anthropology, etc.

See the program at https://www.notion.so/COMFAS3-2020-f844afafd1e94c98a4e7002adbdb5814

The online event was hosted by the Central European University PU, Vienna. Conveners were: Constantin Iordachi (CEU), Paul Jackson (Northampton University), and Aristotle Kallis (Keele University). Contact details: comfas@comfas.org.

The International Association for Comparative Fascist Studies is a nonprofit and nonpolitical scholarly organization dedicated to the comparative and transnational study of fascism. The Association is open to graduate students, researchers, and professors at whatever stage of their career. Its aim is to promote new multi-disciplinary research approaches to this field, in a joint effort of scholars from various disciplines and historiographical traditions. COMFAS is based at Pasts, Inc. Center for Historical Studies, at the Central European University, Budapest. The Association’s main publication outlet is the open-access peer-reviewed journal Fascism. Journal of Comparative Fascist Studies (Brill).

Previous Conventions:

2019: Fascism and Violence,” Uppsala University, Sweden, 25–27 September 2019. 

2018Comparative Fascist Studies and the Transnational Turn,” CEU, Budapest, 27-29 April 2018.

