Constantin Iordachi


Contact information

Budapest, Nador u. 11
+36 1 327 3000x2371


Professional Activities 

Former Positions

  • Director of Doctoral Program, Department of History, CEU, 2014-2019
  • Head, Department of History, CEU, 2008-2011
  • Head, School of Historical and Interdisciplinary Studies, CEU, 2009-2011
  • Co-Director of CEU-HESP Comparative History Project,  2006–2010



  • Junior Research Fellow, Collegium Budapest/Institute of Advanced Studies.
  • Junior Research Fellow, Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars, Washington.
  • Research Fellowship, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin. Academic affiliation: Center for Modern Oriental Studies, Berlin.
  • Andrew W. Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellowship for Central and Eastern European Scholars, American Research Institute in Turkey.
  • Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Programme Fernand Braudel de la Ville de Paris. Academic affiliation: Centre de recherches historiques, CNRS-Écoles des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS).
  • Humboldt Research Fellowship-Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, Free University, Berlin
  • Faculty Fellow, Institute of Advanced Studies, CEU.
  • Senior Research Fellow, Vienna Wiesenthal Institute.

Courses Taught at CEU

  • Comparative Approaches to Historical Research (Mandatory Ph.D. Core Seminar)
  • Totalitarianism and Mass Politics: Comparative Perspectives on Fascism and Communism (MA Course, 4 Credits)
  • Introduction to History in the Public Sphere 
  • Public History: Fields, Methods, and Case Studies
  • Politics of History and Memory: Debating the Twentieth Century 
  • Social History of Authoritarian Regime, 1918-1945 
  • Social History: Schools, Methods, and Case Studies (Ph.D. Course, 2 Credits)
  • Historical Regions in Comparison: Problems and Debates (Ph.D. Course, 4 credits)
  • Journalism and Social Change in Historical Perspective (MA Course, 2 Credits)
  • Political Radicalism in Global Perspective (MA Course, 4 Credits) 
  • Populism in Historical-Comparative Perspective (MA Course, 2 Credits)
  • Nationalism, Citizenship, and Minorities in Modern Central and Southeastern Europe (MA Course, 4 Credits)
  • Introduction to Multi-Disciplinary Graduate Studies in History (together with Prof. György Geréby, Medieval Studies Department)
  • An Introduction to Modern Central Europe: History, Politics, and International Relations, (Undergraduate Seminar, 4 Credits)  
  • The Making of Modern Europe (Undergraduate Seminar, 3 Credits)

Doctoral Supervision

  • Ágnes Kende: Memories of Stone: The Politics of Holocaust Remembrance in Hungary and Germany, 1980-2014 (current)
  • Iva Jelusic: Woman in the Partisan's Body: the Memory of Partizanka in Yugoslav Society (2022)
  • Lovro Kralj: Paving the Road to Death: Antisemitism in the Ustasha Movement (1929-1945)  (2023)
  • Blasco Sciarrino: Veteran Identity and Political Violence among Politically Organized Veterans in Italy and Greater Romania, 1919‐1938: a Comparative Study  (2022)
  • Nicholas Warmuth: On the Border of Totalitarianism: Camp Society between Ideology and Practice in KZ Flossenbürg, 1938-1945  (2023)
  • Chiriac, Bogdan: The trial of the Antonescu Group (May 6- 17, 1946) and the communist takeover in Romania: A historical interpretation (2017)
  • Iuga, Liliana: Reshaping the historic city under socialism: state preservation, urban planning and the politics of scarcity in Romania 1945-1977 (2017)
  • Miljan, Goran: Young, militarized, and radical: the Ustasha Youth organization, ideology, and practice, 1941-1945 (2016)
  • Van den Eeden, Mare: In search of Europe: ideas of Europe from a Central European perspective, 1918-present (2015)
  • Scrob, Mircea: From mamaliga to bread as the core food of Romanian villager: a consumer-centered interpretation of a dietary change 1900 - 1980 (2015)
  • Hariton, Silviu Radian: War commemorations in interwar Romania (2015)
  • Olaru, Vasile: Writs and measures: symbolic power and the growth of state infrastructure in Wallachia, 1740-1800 (2014)
  • Paltineanu, Oana: Calling the nation. Romanian nationalism in a local context: Brasov during the Dual Monarchy (2013)

Selected Publications:

Books and Edited Volumes: 


  • Constantin Iordachi, “Heroes and Victims: Comparative Perspectives on Europe’s Multilayered Memory Cultures,” East Central Europe (Brill | Schöningh) Volume 51 (Oct. 2024): Issue 2-3 (Oct 2024), 137-146.

  • Constantin Iordachi, “On Victims, Heroes, and Gulag-GUPVI Survivors: A Central European Life Story,” East Central Europe (Brill | Schöningh) Volume 51 (Oct. 2024): Issue 2-3, 190-222.

  • Shaw, Charles D., C. Iordachi. 2023. “Intermediaries as Change Agents: Translating, Interpreting, and Expanding Socialism,” The Russian Review 1: 1-14.

  • Constantin Iordachi and Goran Miljan, “’Why We Have Become Revolutionaries and Murderers’: Radicalization, Terrorism, and Fascism in the Ustaša–Croatian Revolutionary Organization,” Terrorism and Political Violence, 35(8), 1704–1723. 
  • Constantin Iordachi, “Demokratie in Rumänien Historische Wurzeln und jüngste Entwicklung.” Osteuropa, 6-8 (2019), 51–62.
  • Constantin Iordachi, Blasco Sciarrino, “War Veterans, Demobilization and Political Activism: Greater Romania in Comparison,” Fascism: Journal of Comparative Fascist Studies, 6 (2017), 74-116. 
  • Constantin Iordachi, Ottmar Traşcă, “Ideological Transfers and Bureaucratic Entanglements: Nazi ‘Experts’ on the ‘Jewish Question’ and the Romanian-German Relations, 1940-1944,” Fascism: Journal of Comparative Fascist Studies 4 (2015), 48-100. 
  • Constantin Iordachi, „A nacionalistától a legionárius hitvallásig. Romantikus palingenézia, militarizmus és fasizmus a modern kori Romániabán 27 (1. rész)," 2000 Irodalmi és társadalmi havi lap, (June 2015) 6,  12-34; (2. rész): 27 (August 2015) 8, 3-19.
  • Constantin Iordachi, “Surmonter l'orientalisme : nouvelles approches de l'histoire moderne des Balkans,” Critique Internationale 2 (2014) nr. 62, 173-180.
  • Constantin Iordachi, Péter Apor, “Studying Communist Dictatorships: From Comparative to Transnational History,” East Central Europe 40 (2013), 1–35.
  • Constantin Iordachi, “ Reconceptualizarea socialului: spre o nouă istorie socio-culturală în Europa Central-Răsăriteană,” in Constantin Iordachi, Alin Ciupală, (coord.), “Studii de istorie socială. Noi perspective,” Archiva Moldaviæ, Supliment 1 (2014), 22-54.
  • Constantin Iordachi, “Debating Civil Society: New Perspectives,” East Central Europe 40 (2013), 141-149.  
  • Marina Cattaruzza and Constantin Iordachi, eds., “Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust in East-Central Europe: New Research Trends and Perspectives,” East Central Europe, 39 (2012) 1, 1–12.
  • Constantin Iordachi, “Staatsbürgerschaft in Südosteuropa in der spätosmanischen und nachosmanischen Zeit. Staatsbildung, ausländische Vorbilder und rechtlich-politische Transfers,” in: Wim van Meurs  / Dietmar Müller (Hg.), Institutionen und Kultur in Südosteuropa (=Südosteuropa-Jahrbuch 39), Verlag Otto Sagner: München 2013, 163-210.
  • Constantin Iordachi “Doppelte Staatsbürgerschaft und nationale Minderheiten in Rumänien und Ungarn 1989–2013,” Europäische Rundschau 41 (2013) 3, 43-55.
  • Constantin Iordachi, “Unerwünschte Bürger. Die 'Judenfrage' in Rumänien und Serbien zwischen 1831 und 1919”, Transit: Europäische Revue, Nr. 43 (Winter 2012/2013), 106-117.
  • Constantin Iordachi, “Fascism in Interwar East Central and Southeastern Europe: Toward a New Transnational Research Agenda,” East-Central Europe, vol. 37, (2010), no 2-3, 161-213. 
  • Constantin Iordachi, "Questions for Debate: Fascism in East Central and Southeastern Europe: Mainstream Fascism or 'Mutant' Phenomenon?", East-Central Europe, 37 (2010) 2-3, 331-333. (Debate joint by Philip Morgan, Roger Griffin, Andreas Umland, John-Paul Himka, Mark Biondich, Stein Ugelvik Larsen, and Armin Heinen, 334-371).
  • Constantin Iordachi, “Reconceptualizing the Social: East Central Europe and the New Sociocultural History,” East-Central Europe, 34-35 (2008) 1-2, 1-35.
  • Maciej Janowski, Constantin Iordachi, Trencsényi Balázs, “Why Bother about Regions: Debates over Symbolic Geography in Poland, Hungary and Romania,” East-Central Europe, 1 (2005) 1-2, 5-58.  
  • Constantin Iordachi, “Entangled Histories: Re-writing the History of Central and Southeastern Europe from a Relational Perspective,” European Studies/Etudes Européennes/Europaïchen Studien, 4 (29 April 2004); and Enlargement Research Bulletin (June 2004). Republished in Regio Yearbook 2004, 113-147.
  • Constantin Iordachi, Trencsényi Balázs: “In Search of a Usable Past: The Question of National Identity in Romanian Studies, 1990-2000,” East European Politics and Society, 17 (Summer 2003) 3, 415-454.
  • Constantin Iordachi, “Citizenship and National Identity in Romania. A Historical Overview,” Regio Yearbook 2003, pp. 2-34. Originally published in Hungarian as "Állampolgárság és nemzeti identitás Romániában. Történeti áttekintés," Regio. A Review of Minority and Ethnic Studies11 (Dec. 2000) 3, 27-61.
  • Constantin Iordachi, “Sonderweg or Successful Transition? Romania’s Prospects of Integration into the European Union,” AO. Aktuelle Ostinformationen (Bielefeld), 34 (2003) 3, 40-58.
  • Constantin Iordachi, “Social History in Romanian Historiography: Legacy, Prospects, and Challenges,” Romanian Journal of Society and Politics, (2003) 1, pp. 233-248. Published in Hungarian as: “Társadalomtörténet a román történetírásban: örökség, új utat és kihívások,” Korall (Budapest) 3 (March 2002) 7-8, 190-199.
  • Constantin Iordachi, “Brief an einen Freund in Berlin: Europa und die Grezen in den Köpfen,” AO. Aktuelle Ostinformationen, 34 (2002) 1-2, 11-16.
  • Constantin Iordachi, “'A románok Kaliforniája:' a román határ kiterjesztése Észak-Dobrudzsában 1878-1913“ (“The California of Romanians:” The Extension of Romania’s Frontier in Northern Dobrudja, 1878-1913), in Iordachi, Trencsényi, eds, “A Roman történetírás kihívásai,” Replika (Budapest), X (November 2000) 40-41, 239-264. Published in Bulgarian as “’Rumanskata Kalifornija:’ integriraneto na Severna Dobrudzha v Rumanija, 1878-1913,” Istoricheski pregled (Sofia), 3-4 (Fall 2001), 50-77. Published in French as « ‘La Californie des Roumains’: L’intégration de la Dobroudja du Nord à la Roumanie, 1878-1913 » Balkanologie (Paris) VI (Décembre 2002) 1-2, 167-197.
  • Constantin Iordachi, “The Romanian-Hungarian Reconciliation Process, 1994-2001: from Conflict to Co-operation,” PolSci. Romanian Journal of Political Science, 1 (December 2001) 3-4, 88-134.
  • Constantin Iordachi, “The Unyielding Boundaries of Citizenship: The Emancipation of ‘Non-Citizens’ in Romania, 1866-1918,” European Review of History , 8 (August 2001) 2, 157-186.
  • Constantin Iordachi, “Politika és interkonfesszionális kûzdelmek az 1989 utáni Romániában: a forrásokért való kûzdelemtõl a nemzeti ideológia újrafogalmazásáig,” Pro Minoritate, 4 (2000) 3-4, 55-72.
  • Constantin Iordachi and Marius Turda, “Reconciliere Politică versus discurs istoric: Percepţia Ungariei in istoriografia românească, 1989-1999" [Political Reconciliation versus Historical Discourse: The Image of Hungarians in Romanian Historiography, 1989-1999], " Altera (Tîrgu Mureş), VI (October 2000) 14, 153-174. Published in Hungarian as: "Politikai megbékélés versus történeti diskurzus: az 1989-1999 közötti román történetírás Magyarország-percepciója," Regio. A Review of Minority and Ethnic Studies, 11 (September 2000) 2, 129-159.
  • Constantin Iordachi, Trencsényi Balázs: “A megújulás esélyei: a román történetírás tíz éve (1989-1999” (Chances of Renewal: History Writing in Romania, 1989-1999), in Iordachi, Trencsényi, (eds.), “A Roman történetírás kihívásai,” Replika (Budapest), X (November 2000) 40-41, 165-194.
  • Constantin Iordachi, “Politics and Inter-Confessional Strife in post-1989 Romania: From The Competition for Resources to the Redefinition of National Identity,” Balkanologie (Paris), III (September 1999) 1, 147-169.
  • Constantin Iordachi, “Nicolae Iorga and the Paradigm of Cultural Nationalism,” Balkanistica, Special Millennial Issue (Missouri) 13 (2000) 1, 167-174.
  • Constantin Iordachi, “Orthodocşi împotriva greco-catolicilor: De la competiţie pentru resurse la redefinirea identităţii naţionale,” Sfera Politicii (Bucharest) VII (September 2000) 82, 15-20.
  • Constantin Iordachi, “The Romanian-Hungarian Reconciliation Process. An Interpretation,” Euro-Atlantic Forum (Bucharest), 2 (August 1998), 67-77.

Book chapters:

  • Constantin Iordachi, “Enacting the Communist Utopia: The 1950s within the Twentieth Century,” in Jerome Bazin, Joanna Kordjak, eds., Cold Revolution. Central and Eastern European Societies in Times of Socialist Realism, 1948–1959 (Warsaw: Mousse Publishing, Adam Mickiewicz Institute Zachęta – National Gallery of Art, 2021), 24-31.
  • Constantin Iordachi, Aristotle Kallis, “Introduction: Fascism at 100 (and a Bit),” in Constantin Iordachi, Aristotle Kallis, eds., Beyond the Fascist Century: Essays in Honor of Roger Griffin (London: Palgrave Macmillian, 2020), 1-26.
  • Constantin Iordachi, “From ‘Generic’ to ‘Real-Existing’ Fascism: Towards a New Transnational and Historical-Comparative Agenda in Fascism Studies,” in Constantin Iordachi, Aristotle Kallis, eds., Beyond the Fascist Century: Essays in Honor of Roger Griffin (London: Palgrave Macmillian, 2020), 283-307.
  • John R. Lampe, Constantin Iordachi, “Beyond Stereotypes: Recent Trends in the Historiography on the Balkans,” in John Lampe, Constantin Iordachi, eds. Battling over the Balkans: Historiographical Questions and Controversies (Budapest: CEU Press, 2020), 1-23.
  • Constantin Iordachi, James Frusetta, “The Holocaust and the Treatment of Minorities in Wartime Balkans,” in John Lampe, Constantin Iordachi, eds. Battling over the Balkans: Historiographical Questions and Controversies (Budapest: CEU Press, 2020), 259-273.
  • Roger Griffin, Constantin Iordachi, “Fascism,” in The SAGE Handbook of Political Sociology, 2v, edited by William Outhwaite and Stephen Turner (London, Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, 2018), 548-571.
  • Constantin Iordachi, “Radikalizam, fašizam  i (državni ) teroizam: slušaj  Mile Babica i ustaša,” in Goran Miljan, Ivica Šute, Revolucionari i ubojice (Zagreb: Srednja Europa, 2018), 1-24.
  • Constantin Iordachi, “Mihail Manoilescu and the Debate and Practice of Corporatism in Romania,” in António Costa Pinto, Federico Finchelstein, eds., Authoritarianism and Corporatism in Europe and Latin America. Crossing Borders (London: Routledge, 2018), 65-94.
  • Constantin Iordachi, “Purificarea națiunii și lupta de clasă: securitizarea evreilor și chiaburilor în regimurile totalitare din România, 1938-1962,” in Dorin Dobrincu, Constantin Iordachi, eds., Edificarea orânduirii socialiste: Violența politică și lupta de clasă în colectivizarea agriculturii din România, 1949-1962 (Iaşi: Editura Universității Al. Ioan Cuza, 2017), 29-72.
  • Constantin Iordachi, “Diplomacy and the Making of a Geopolitical Question: The Romanian-Bulgarian Conflict over Dobrudja, 1878-1947,” in Roumen Daskalov, et. al., eds, Entangled History of the Balkans. Volume Four: Concepts, Approaches, and (Self-)Representations (Leiden: Brill, 2017), 291–393. 
  • Kristof van Assche, Constantin Iordachi, “Introduction: Nature, Culture and the Bio-Politics of the Danube Delta,” in Constantin Iordachi, Kristof van Assche, eds., The Biopolitics of the Danube Delta: Nature, History and Policies (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, 2014), xi-xxx.
  • Constantin Iordachi, “A Continuum of Dictatorships: Hybrid Totalitarian Experiments in Romania, 1937-1944,” in António Costa Pinto and Aristotle Kallis, eds, Rethinking fascism and dictatorship in Interwar Europe (London: Palgrave, 2014), 233-271.
  • Arnd Bauerkämper and Constantin Iordachi, “The Collectivization of Agriculture in Eastern Europe: Comparisons and Entanglements,” in Constantin Iordachi, Arnd Bauerkämper, eds., The Collectivization of Agriculture in Communist Eastern Europe: Comparisons and Entanglements (Budapest, New York: CEU Press, 2014), 3-46.
  • Constantin Iordachi, Dorin Dobrincu, “The Collectivization of Agriculture in Romania, 1949–1962,” in Constantin Iordachi and Arnd Bauerkämper, eds., The Collectivization of Agriculture in Communist Eastern Europe: Comparisons and Entanglements (Budapest, New York: CEU Press, 2014), 251-292.
  • Constantin Iordachi, “Fascism in Southeastern Europe: A Comparison between Romania's Legion of Archangel Michael and Croatia's Ustaša,” in Roumen Daskalov, Diana Mishkova, eds, Entangled History of the Balkans. Volume Two: Transfers of Political Ideologies and Institutions (Leiden: Brill, 2013), 355-468. 
  • Blomqvist, Anders E. B., Constantin Iordachi, Balázs Trencsényi, “Introduction – History Writing on Hungary and Romania: Beyond National Narratives?” in Anders Blomqvist, Constantin Iordachi, Balazs Trencsenyi, eds., Hungary and Romania Beyond National Narratives: Comparisons and Entanglements (Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien: Peter Land, 2013), 1-34.
  • Constantin Iordachi: “From Disentanglement to Interdependence: State Citizenship in Romania and Hungary, 1945-2012” in Anders Blomqvist, Constantin Iordachi, Balazs Trencsenyi, eds., Hungary and Romania Beyond National Narratives: Comparisons and Entanglements (Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien: Peter Land, 2013), 711-771.
  • Constantin Iordachi, “The Quest for Central Europe: Symbolic Geographies and Historical Regions,” in Zlatko Sabic and Petr Drulák, (eds.),  Regional and International Relations of Central Europe (Houndmills, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012), 40-61.
  • Constantin Iordachi, "Introducere: cetãtenia dublã si politicile nationale în Europa Centralã si de Est;" English translation: "Introduction: Dual Citizenship and National Policies in Central and Eastern Europe" in Iordachi (coord.), Redobândirea cetățeniei române /Reacquiring Romanian Citizenship, 13-66, 257-310.
  • Constantin Iordachi, "Redobândirea cetãteniei române în perspectivã istoricã: de la restituirea drepturilor cetãtenesti la primatul cetãteniei de origine;" English translation: "Reacquiring the Romanian Citizenship in Historical Perspective: From the Restitution of State Citizenship to the Primacy of the Citizenship Status Acquired at Birth," in Iordachi (coord.), Redobândirea cetățeniei române /Reacquiring Romanian Citizenship, 67-151, 311-396. 
  • Constantin Iordachi, “The Making of Citizenship in the Post-Ottoman Balkans: State Building, Foreign Models, and Legal-Political Transfers,” in Alina Mungiu-Pippidi and Win van Meurs, eds., Ottomans into European (London: Hurst, 2010), 181-222.
  • Constantin Iordachi, “Global Networks, Regional Hegemony, and Seaport Modernization at the Lower Danube,” in Biray Kolluoğlu, Meltem Toksöz, eds., Cities of the Mediterranean: From the Ottomans to the Present Day (London, New York: I. B. Tauris, 2010), 157-182.
  • Constantin Iordachi, “Comparative Fascist Studies: An Introduction,” in Iordachi, ed., Comparative Fascist Studies: New Perspectives, 1-50.
  • Constantin Iordachi, "God’s Chosen Warriors: Romantic Palingenesis, Militarism and Fascism in Modern Romania," in Iordachi, ed., Comparative Fascist Studies: New Perspectives, 316-357.
  • Constantin Iordachi, “Politics of citizenship in post-communist Romania: Legal traditions, restitution of nationality and multiple memberships,” in Rainer Bauböck, Bernhard Perchinig, Wiebke Sievers (eds.), Citizenship Policies in the New Europe, 2nd enlarged edition (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2009), 177-209.
  • Constantin Iordachi, Dorin Dobrincu, “Introduction,” in Iordachi, Dobrincu, eds., Transforming Peasants, Property and Power, 1-23.
  • Constantin Iordachi, “Constanţa, the First Collectivized Region:” Soviet Geo-Political Interests and National and Regional Factors in the Collectivization of Dobrogea (1949-1962)," in Iordachi, Dobrincu, eds., Transforming Peasants, Property and Power, 103-140.
  • Constantin Iordachi, Katherine Verdery, “Conclusions,” in Iordachi, Dobrincu, eds., Transforming Peasants, Property and Power, 455-471.
  • Constantin Iordachi, “Aristocracy, Fascism and the Social Origins of Mass Politics in Inter-war Romania,” in Karina Urbach, ed., Noble Fascists? European Aristocracies and the Radical Right (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007), 201-232.
  • Constantin Iordachi, “The Ottoman Empire: Syncretic Nationalism and Citizenship in the Balkans” in Timothy Baycroft, Mark Hewitson, eds., What is a Nation? Europe, 1789-1914 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006), 120-151.
  • Constantin Iordachi, “Dual Citizenship in Post-Communist Central and Eastern Europe: Regional Integration and Inter-ethnic Tensions,” in Osamu Ieda, Uyama Tomohiko (eds.), Reconstruction and Interaction of Slavic Eurasia and its Neighboring World (Sapporo: Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University, 2004), 105-139.
  • Constantin Iordachi, “Charisma, Religion, Ideology: Romania’s Interwar Legion of the Archangel Michael”, in John R. Lampe, Mark Mazower (eds.), Ideologies and National Identities: The Case of Twentieth-Century Southeastern Europe (Budapest, New York: CEU Press, 2004), 19-53.
  • Constantin Iordachi, “Dual Citizenship and Policies toward Kin-Minorities in East-Central Europe: A Comparison between Hungary, Romania, and the Republic of Moldova,” in Zoltán Kántor, Balázs Majtényi, Osamu Ieda, Balázs Vizi, Ivan Halász, (eds.), The Hungarian Status Law Syndrome: A Nation Building and/or Minority Protection (Sapporo: Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University, 2004), 239-269.
  • Iordachi, Constantin, Viorel Achim, “Introducere,” in Achim, Iordachi, (eds.), Romania şi Transnistria, 5-19.
  • Constantin Iordachi, “Holocaustul în România şi Transnistria: Dezbateri istoriografice,” [The Holocaust in Romania and Transnistria. Historiographical debates], in Achim, Iordachi, eds., Romania şi Transnistria, 23-77.
  • Constantin Iordachi, “A nemzet újrarajzolt határai: A magyar “státusztörvény” és Románia politikája a kettős állampolgárságra vonatkozóan a Moldovai köztársaságban” [Redefining the Boundaries of the Nation: A Comparison between Hungary’s Status Law and Romania’s Policy on Dual Citizenship in the Republic of Moldova], in Zoltán Kántor, ed., A Státusztörvény: Elszmenyek es Következmenyek [The Statute Law: Impacts and Consequences] (Budapest: Teleki Lászlo Foundation, 2002), pp. 90-116. Republished in Magyar Kisebbség. Nemzetpolitikai Szemle (Cluj), 2 (2002) 25, pp. 128-149; Published in Romanian as “Redefinind frontierele naţiunii: O comparaţie între Legea Statutului din Ungaria şi politica României privind acordarea cetăţeniei duble în Republica Moldova,” Altera (Tîrgu Mureş), VIII (June 2003) 17, 153-174.
  • Constantin Iordachi, “Internal Colonialism: The Expansion of Romania’s Frontier in Northern Dobrogea,” in Helga Schultz, Uwe Müller, (eds.), National Borders and Economic Disintegration in Modern East Central Europe (Berlin: Berlin Verlag, 2002), 77-105.

Book or Film Reviews (selection):

  • Film Review: Constantin Iordachi, "Alexandru Solomon, The Great Communist Bank Robbery," Slavic Review, 67 (2008) 3, 732-733. 
  • Constantin Iordachi, “Is There a Way to Greater Romania? Moldova, Romania, and the Protracted Politics of Unification,” Romanian Journal of Society and Politics, (Bucharest) II (Summer 2002) 2, 231-235. Review Essay on Gheorghe Cojocaru, Colapsul URSS şi dilema relaţiilor româno-române (Bucharest: Omega, 2001).
  • Constantin Iordachi, “Romania Mare: între competiţii ideologice şi consens naţionalist” (Greater Romania: Between Ideological Competitions and Nationalist Consensus), Sfera Politicii (Bucharest) VI (1998) 64, 57-61.
  • Constantin Iordachi, "Nicholas Constantinesco, Romania on the European Stage, 1875-1880. The Quest for National Sovereignty and Independence (Columbia University Press, New York, 1998), The Bulletin of the Association for Turkish Studies, (Ohio) (Spring 1999), 114-118.

E-publications and Newspaper articles and interviews (selection)


Hungarian “Egyetemi Tanar” (University Professor) (March 1, 2020 -)
Habilitation, CEU Budapest (February 2017)
Ph.D. in Comparative History, CEU Budapest (2003)
Visiting Doctoral Student, University of Pittsburgh, Department of Russian and East European Studies (1998-1999)
M.A., Institute of International Studies, University of Leeds (1997)
B.A., M.A., University of Bucharest (1994, 1995)

File Attachments

Projects with involvement of Constantin Iordachi