2019, Vol. 46, no. 1, Workers, Labor and Labor History in Modern East Central Europe
Guest Editor: Tibor Valuch
TIBOR VALUCH, The World of Labor and Workers in Modern East Central Europe: Introduction to the Thematic Issue
- see full text in the attachment
JUDIT ACSÁDY, Women’s Industrial Labor in Hungary. An Overview of Main Tendencies and Turning Points from the End of the Nineteenth Century
WIKTOR MARZEC, The Birth of the Militant Self. Working-Class Memoirs of Late Russian Poland
NATALIA KOULINKA, A Portrait of the Workers against the Backdrop of the Soviet Union’s Collapse
TIBOR VALUCH, Approaches to Life Story Analyses of Multigenerational Hungarian Worker Families in the Twentieth Century
JAKUB ŠTOFANÍK, The Religious Life of the Industrial Working Class in the Czech Lands?
VERONIKA PEHE, The Wild 1990s: “Transformation Nostalgia” Among the Czech Student Generation of 1989
ADAM KOŻUCHOWSKI, The Devil Wears White: Teutonic Knights and the Problem of Evil in Polish Historiography
Those Who Count: Expert Practices of Roma Classification, written by Surdu, Mihai
By: Sunnie Rucker-Chang
Environmentalism in Central and Southeastern Europe: Historical Perspectives, written by Petric, Hrvoje, and Ivana Zebec Silj
By: Jan-Henrik Meyer
Croatia and the Rise of Fascism: The Youth Movement and the Ustasha During WWII, written by Miljan, Goran
By: Roland Clark
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