Call for contributions
EAST CENTRAL EUROPE, a refereed international journal of the social sciences and humanities with a focus on the region ‘between the Baltic and the Adriatic’, established in 1974 and published since 2009 by Brill, continues to invite the submission of high-quality articles in English. We encourage interdisciplinary dialogues between historians, anthropologists, art and literary historians, cultural sociologists and others working on different aspects of the region’s history.
We accept three types of submissions:
- individual articles
- thematic sections by a guest editor
- book reviews (see details here)
Format requirements: articles should be of approximately 8,000 to 10,000 words, including abstract and bibliography. Manuscripts go through a double blind peer-review process. Before publication, we ask our contributors to apply the stylesheet of our journal on their manuscript, see the guidelines here.
We will consider scholarly contributions for publication reaching us via electronic mail ( For additional information please visit our website or contact us at the aforementioned email address.
Constantin Iordachi, Editor
Balázs Trencsényi, Editor
Emily Gioielli, Book Review and Special Features Editor, Copyeditor