Fall 2016

AY 2016/2017


  • MatthiasRiedl
    Religion and Political Thought: Europe 1200-1700 (lecture) (2 credits)


  • Aziz AL-Azmeh
    Religion and State (2 credits)
  • Alexander Astrov, Jens Bartelson, Iver Neumann, and Erik Ringmar
    Global Stage and Its Subjects: International Theory Meets Intellectual History (4-credits)
  • András Bozóki and Zsolt Czigányik
    Anarchy and Utopia (4 credits)
  • Eva Fodor or Sara Meger (two groups)
    Foundations in Gender Studies I: Histories, Theories, Futures (2 credits)
  • Nadia Jones-Gailani
    Islamic Feminism in Historical Perspective (2 credits)
  • Karl Hall
    Intellectuals and World War I (4 credits)
  • Constantin Iordachi
    Totalitarianism and Mass Politics in East-Central Europe: Comparative Perspectives on Fascism and Communism (4 credits)
  • Emese Lafferton
    Race and Science (4 credits)
  • Andres Moles
    War (2 credits)
  • Hadley Z. Renkin
    Re-imagining Social Movements: Activism, Resistance, and Cultural Change
    (4 credits)
  • Matthias Riedl
    Religion and Political Thought: Europe 1200-1700 (source reading seminar) (2 credits)
  • Balazs Trencsenyi
    Political Modernities and Nation-Building in Central and Southeast Europe (4 credits)